
Welcome to my little corner of the internet!! Come in and make yourself comfortable and I hope you enjoy your visit!

L and I got married in September 2010 and I am very much enjoying being a wife and keeping a home of my own. Ok, so maybe I don’t always enjoy cleaning the toilet or scraping the burnt food off the bottom of a pan that wasn’t as non-stick as I thought it was … πŸ™‚ I am currently not well and so am taking time out to work on getting better, plan crazy projects, cook (hopefully) scrummy food and trying to keep my home at least semi-sane! πŸ˜‰ L completed his PhD in neuropsychology last summer and this July started a job as Assistant Research Fellow at a big medical school. We met over 7 years ago at the same church and both did 2 years of their volunteer training program – not at the same time, but still! πŸ™‚ The first time I saw L he was wearing a Robin (as in Batman and Robin) costume and doing a drama at the front of church! The first time L talked to me (because I was sitting at a table all by myself at our church’s 18-30’s group! :)), he was horrified to discover I had never watched The Princess Bride!

I love all things colourful, but especially red, cups of tea after a long day, talking with my friends, beating my husband at a playstation game, cooking and baking until my husband and friends can’t eat another crumb, lots of crafty things and laughing as much as I possibly can – often times at the silly things I end up doing and saying! πŸ™‚ L loves curry and beer, Warhammer, muffins, watching comedy, playing Risk with his friends and jumping out at me from around corners! Oh, and he’s also rather partial to my steak and ale pie, making our niece giggle until she gasps for breath and making sure those he cares for know about it!

9 thoughts on “About

  1. Warhammer? That rocks! I hope you have an interest, too, although it won’t really matter after my Dark Eldar army takes over the world……


    • Do you have an Eldar army?! So cool!! L’s favourite army is Eldar (for 4000)! I do have an interest – I have watched a number of games and do a lot of model-painting. I have been a part of lots of conversations and explanations and altough I don’t actually play myself, I love the idea and concepts and think it is really cool! πŸ˜€

      • I do like the Eldar, but haven’t gotten to them yet. My 40K armies are Dark Eldar and Chaos Dwarfs (from 1987! Ooooo….). In Warhammer I’m Wood Elves, Shadow Elves, and Skaven. AND my favorite authors at the moment are Dan Abnett and Gav Thorpe. *phew* It’s so refreshing to know of another woman who enjoys Warhammer.

        The ideas and concepts and the universe are really cool. I like getting lost in it sometimes.

        What armies would you choose to play?

  2. Hey Lisa,

    Wow, I just looked up you favourite authors … Gav Thorpe I’ve heard of before, though I don’t think we have any of his Warhammer books. Dan Abentt: I loved his bio page!! πŸ™‚ Small thing I know, but I think I’m going to be heading to the library and checking his books out! I always loved comic-style books growing up.

    You know, it would be cool to carry on talking – would it be ok if I emailed you?!?


    • Their books are very good, and they really bring the Warhammer universe to life. I found they also help when I paint the models. C. L. Werner is another good one.

      Please do email me. The address is: annerose0@gmail.com. Thanks for asking!


  3. You and L sound adorable. πŸ™‚ My husband I met at church as well. We have been married for 23 years and have had our share of good and bad times and I am so glad we have had the Lord to see us through it all. God Bless!

    • Aw, thank you!! πŸ™‚ We do have lots of fun together! That’s awesome you guys met at church too – I guess if people meet at church, you’re much more likely to have the most important foundation of a life-long relationship sorted! Congratulations on 23 years!! πŸ˜€ We’ve been married nearly 11 months, so a ways behind you guys!! πŸ˜› Absolutely!! I too am so glad we have the Lord with us in this – not a marriage of 2, but of 3, the thrid being the center of all. Thank you so much for the encouragement that you’ve been through many ups and downs over 23 years, but you’re still happily married and still trusting Jesus!! πŸ™‚

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