11 Questions

That little break from blogging while over the funeral services and business ended up turning into quite a long one, didn’t it?

This is the perfect post to get back into the swing of things over here in my corner of the internet … and for you to find out a little bit more about me! ๐Ÿ˜‰

The lovely Lauren over at You Big Eejit tagged me in this fun post, so here goes!

The Rules:
  • You must post these rules.
  • Each person must post 11 things about herself on their blog.
  • Answer the questions the โ€œtaggerโ€ listed for you in her post, and create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
  • Choose 11 people to tag and link to them in the post.
  • Let each blogger know that you have tagged them.

And the questions? I’ll try to be honest! ๐Ÿ˜‰

1. What is your most prized possession?
As far as physical possessions go, no debate: my laptop!!
2. Do you have any regrets?
Would you believe me if I said no?! ๐Ÿ˜‰ One of my regrets is that I never got to learn to play the violin … maybe one day I will!
3. What is your pet hate?
Ha ha One of my pet hates is taking the yucky bits out of the kitchen plug-hole – makes me want to throw up! Another one is blue Smarties.
4. What film can you watch time and time again?
I’ve watched so many new films in the last 5 years that this is a tough one to answer … I’ve watched Shawshank Redemption at least 4 times!
5. How would you spend a fantasy 24 hours with no travel restrictions?
Driving, with frequent stops, across the mid-west of the USA.
6. Any unfulfilled ambitions?
Climbing all the way to a top of a mountain and having kids and are two biggies!
7. Which person has influenced you the most in life?
Oh dear, that’s a tough one! I’m going to count out the usual suspects for this kind of question, so won’t say God or my hubby! ๐Ÿ˜‰ The people who popped immediately into my mind were Jim Elliot and my honorary parents, the amazing Mr and Mrs C!
8. Guilty pleasure?
9. Most embarrassing moment?
I love the fact that this question kindly presumes that there has only ever been one “most embarrassing” moment in my life!!
Ah, one embarrassing moment from a long while ago involved my sister N and these local gardens, with lots of hills, trees and paths. I was on the one path and she was a little higher up the hill. I was tired and being silly, so fell to one knee, stretched my arms toward my laughing sister, quoted those famous lines from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet and then launched into this cheesy operatic love-song (from Diana’s wedding in Anne of Green Gables, for those of you who know! ๐Ÿ˜‰ ). Now, I can’t sing very well at the best of times, but think out-of-tune, mock opera warbling, very loud, lot’s of laughing and you get the picture … at which point this family rounded a tree and walked behind my sister, looking at me as if I was on day-release from the mental institution …!
10. Why do you blog?
To make people laugh, to share the happy and wonderful moments in life, to try to bring a hopeful perspective to the mundane bits of life and to have a platform for my over-abundant ramblings!
11. What is your dream job?
Being a support worker in a young offender’s secure institution, counselling teens around suicidal issues and being a Mama!
I’m now going to cheat in two ways – I’m going to re-use these questions, as they’re good and I have a tired brain and I’m not going to nominate a whole 11 people!
I am going to nominate:
My sister, Elisabeth, from Hope Scribbles.
Trixfred, who blogs at Happiness Stan Lives Here.
The lovely JoJo, who lives at Two’s Company.
Nicole, who can be found at Simple Moments.
And my favourite food-blogger, Katie at Yes, I want cake.
The questions in a nice tidy list:
1. What is your most prized possession?
2. Do you have any regrets?
3. What is your pet hate?
4. What film can you watch time and time again?
5. How would you spend a fantasy 24 hours with no travel restrictions?
6. Any unfulfilled ambitions?
7. Which person has influenced you the most in life?
8. Guilty pleasure?
9. Most embarrassing moment?
10. Why do you blog?
11. What is your dream job?
Enjoy the challenge my friends!!